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Showing posts with the label coding problemsShow all
C++ program to calculate the age of human by entering data of birth
C++ program to convert the upper to lower and lower to upper case letter
C++ program to calculate the electricity bill of consumed units by user
C++ program to calculate the result of students using marks
C++ game to find out number
C++ program to print the table of number
C++ program to find out the smaller number from given numbers
C++ program to calculate the salary of the servant
C++ program to find out the grades of given marks
C++ program to find out the greater number from given numbers
C++ program to find out the given number is odd or even
C++ program to display the reverse of given number
C++ program to print the ASCII value of an character
C++ program to convert temperature from Fahrenheit to centigrade
C++ program to enter two numbers and show their sum
C++ program to swap two numbers using third variable
C++ program to print message on screen
HackerRank Short Palindrome problem solution
HackerRank Minimum Loss 1 problem solution
HackerRank Minimum operation 4 problem solution