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HackerEarth Xsquare And Array Operations problem solution

In this HackerEarth Xsquare And Array Operations problem Xsquare loves to play with arrays a lot. Today, he has an array A consisting of N distinct integers. He wants to perform following operation over his array A.

Select a pair of consecutive integers say (Ai,Ai+1) for some 1 ≤ i < N. Replace the selected pair of integers with the max(Ai,Ai+1).
Replace N with the new size of the array A.
Above operation incurs a cost of rupees max(Ai,Ai+1) to Xsquare.
As we can see after N-1 such operations, there is only 1 element left. Xsquare wants to know the most optimal transformation strategy to reduce the given array A to only 1 element.

A transformation strategy is considered to be most optimal if it incurs minimum cost over all possible transformation strategies.

HackerEarth Xsquare And Array Operations problem solution

HackerEarth Xsquare And Array Operations problem solution.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std ;
#define LL long long int
#define ft first
#define sd second
#define PII pair<int,int>
#define MAXN 100001
#define MAXM 1001
#define mp make_pair
#define f_in(st) freopen(st,"r",stdin)
#define f_out(st) freopen(st,"w",stdout)
#define sc(x) scanf("%d",&x)
#define scll(x) scanf("%lld",&x)
#define pr(x) printf("%lld\n",x)
#define pb push_back
#define MOD 1000000007
class node{
public :
int max_value , max_index;
max_value = 0 ;
max_index = -1 ;
} ;

class SegTree{

public :
node st[4*MAXN] ;
vector<int> A ;
int N ;

SegTree(int N,vector<int> &A){
this->N = N ;
(this->A).resize(N+1) ;
for(int i=1;i<=N;i++){
(this->A)[i] = A[i] ;

void _merge(node &a,node &b,node &c){
if(b.max_value < c.max_value){
a.max_value = c.max_value ;
a.max_index = c.max_index ;
a.max_value = b.max_value ;
a.max_index = b.max_index ;

void buildst(int idx,int ss,int se){
if(ss == se){
st[idx].max_value = A[ss] ;
st[idx].max_index = ss ;
return ;
int mid = (ss+se)/2 ;
buildst(2*idx,ss,mid) ;
buildst(2*idx+1,mid+1,se) ;
_merge(st[idx],st[2*idx],st[2*idx+1]) ;

void update(int idx,int ss,int se,int pos,int val){
if(ss == se){
st[idx].max_value = val ;
return ;
int mid = (ss+se)/2 ;
if(pos <= mid)
update(2*idx,ss,mid,pos,val) ;
update(2*idx+1,mid+1,se,pos,val) ;
_merge(st[idx],st[2*idx],st[2*idx+1]) ;

node query(int idx,int ss,int se,int L,int R){
node ret ;
if(L > se || R < ss)
return ret ;
if(L <= ss && se <= R)
return st[idx] ;
int mid = (ss+se)/2 ;
node left = query(2*idx,ss,mid,L,R) ;
node right = query(2*idx+1,mid+1,se,L,R) ;
_merge(ret,left,right) ;
return ret ;

} ;

int N,T;
vector<int> A ;
SegTree *obj ;
LL solve(int ss,int se){
if(se <= ss)
return 0 ;
else if(se-ss+1 == 2){
return max(A[ss],A[se]) ;
node ret = obj->query(1,1,N,ss,se) ;
if(ret.max_index == ss){
return ret.max_value + solve(ss+1,se) ;
}else if(ret.max_index == se){
return ret.max_value + solve(ss,se-1) ;
return 2*ret.max_value + solve(ss,ret.max_index-1) + solve(ret.max_index+1,se) ;
int main(){
f_in("in04.txt") ;
f_out("out04.txt") ;
sc(T) ;
assert( T <= 100000 && T >= 1 ) ;
sc(N) ;
assert( N >= 1 && N <= 100000 ) ;
A.resize(N+1) ;
for(int i=1;i<=N;i++){
sc(A[i]) ;
assert(A[i] >= 1 && A[i] <= 1e9) ;
obj = new SegTree(N,A) ;
obj->buildst(1,1,N) ;
pr(solve(1,N)) ;
return 0 ;

Second solution

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define lli long long
#define MAX 100005
using namespace std;

int n;
lli A[MAX];

struct node {
lli mx;
int idx;
node() { }
node(lli mx, int idx)
this->mx = mx;
this->idx = idx;

node combine(node p1, node p2)
node ret;
if ( p1.mx > p2.mx ) return p1;
return p2;

void build(int where, int left, int right)
if ( left > right ) return;
if ( left == right ) {
tree[where].mx = A[left];
tree[where].idx = left;
int mid = (left+right)/2;
build(where*2, left, mid);
build(where*2+1, mid+1, right);
tree[where] = combine(tree[where*2], tree[where*2+1]);

node query(int where, int left, int right, int i, int j)
if ( left > right || left > j || right < i ) return node(-1,-1);
if ( left >= i && right <= j ) return tree[where];
int mid = (left+right)/2;
return combine(query(where*2, left, mid, i, j), query(where*2+1, mid+1, right, i, j));

lli f(int left, int right)
if ( left >= right ) return 0;
node val = query(1,0,n-1,left,right);
if ( val.idx == left || val.idx == right ) return val.mx + f(left,val.idx-1) + f(val.idx+1,right);
else return 2LL*val.mx + f(left,val.idx-1) + f(val.idx+1,right);

int main()
int t;
cin >> t;
while ( t-- ) {
cin >> n;
for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) cin >> A[i];
lli ans = f(0,n-1);
cout << ans << endl;
return 0;

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