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HackerEarth What is the string made of? problem solution

In this HackerRank What is the string made of? problem solution You are given a string, which contains entirely decimal digits (0-9). Each digit is made of a certain number of dashes, as shown in the image below. For instance, 1 is made of 2 dashes, 8 is made of 7 dashes, and so on.

You have to write a function that takes this string message as an input and returns a corresponding value in terms of a number. This number is the count of dashes in the string message.

HackerEarth What is the string made of? problem solution

HackerEarth What is the string made of problem solution.

a = raw_input()
ans = 0
for i in a:
if i == '0':
ans += 6
if i == '1':
ans += 2
if i == '2':
ans += 5
if i == '3':
ans += 5
if i == '4':
ans += 4
if i == '5':
ans +=5
if i == '6':
ans += 6
if i == '7':
ans += 3
if i == '8':
ans += 7
if i == '9':
ans += 6
print ans

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