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HackerEarth Number of triangles problem solution

In this HackerEarth Number of triangles problem solution you are given a polygon of N sides with vertices numbered from 1, 2, ..., N. Now, exactly 2 vertices of the polygons are colored black, and the remaining are colored white. You are required to find the number of triangles denoted by A such that:
  1. The triangle is formed by joining only the white-colored vertices of the polygon.
  2. The triangle shares at least one side with the polygon.

HackerEarth Number of triangles problem solution

HackerEarth Number of triangles problem solution.

using namespace std;

int main() {

int t;
while(t--) {

int n,b1,b2;
long long one_side = 0;
long long two_side = 0;

int b1_one_side = n-4 + (2)*(n-4);
int b2_one_side = n-4 + (2)*(n-4);
int b1_b2_one_side = 0;
if((b1+1)%n==b2%n||(b2+1)%n==b1%n) {
b1_b2_one_side = n-4;
else if((b1+2)%n==b2%n||(b2+2)%n==b1%n) {
b1_b2_one_side = 2;
else b1_b2_one_side = 4;
one_side = 1ll*n*(n-4) - b2_one_side - b1_one_side + b1_b2_one_side ;

int b1_two_side = 3;
int b2_two_side = 3;
int b1_b2_two_side = 0;
if((b1+1)%n==b2%n||(b2+1)%n==b1%n) {
b1_b2_two_side = 2;
else if((b1+2)%n==b2%n||(b2+2)%n==b1%n) {
b1_b2_two_side = 1;
two_side = n - b1_two_side - b2_two_side + b1_b2_two_side ;
cout<<one_side+two_side <<endl;
return 0;

second solution

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;

const int maxn = 1e3 + 4;
int main(){
ios::sync_with_stdio(0), cin.tie(0);
int t;
cin >> t;
int n, b1, b2;
cin >> n >> b1 >> b2;
b1--, b2--;
ll ans = 0;
auto bad = [&](int i){
return i == b1 || i == b2;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
if(!bad(i) && !bad((i + 1) % n))
ans += n - 4;
if(!bad(i) && !bad((i + 1) % n) && !bad((i + 2) % n))
cout << ans << '\n';

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