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HackerRank Cut #9 problem solution

In this HackerRank Cut #9 problem solution we have Given a tab-delimited file with several columns (tsv format) print the fields from second fields to last field.

Input Format

A tab-separated file with lines of ASCII text only.


1 <= N <= 100

2 <= C <= 100

(N is the number of lines of text in the input file and C is the number of columns of data in the file)

Output Format

The output should contain N lines.

For each line in the input, print the fields from the second field to the last field.

HackerRank Cut #9 problem solution

Problem solution.

a=$(cat $1);
ln=$(echo "$a" | wc -l);

if [ $ln -lt 1 -o $ln -gt 100 ]
    exit 1;

echo "$a" | cut -f2-

Second solution.

cut -d' ' -f2-

Third solution.

cut -f2-

Fourth solution.

cut -f 2-

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