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HackerRank A Personalized Echo problem solution

In this HackerRank A Personalized Echo problem solution This is the equivalent of common output commands in a most programming language (print or puts statements).

For Example:

echo "Greetings"

This outputs just one-word "Greetings" (without quotation marks).

echo "Greetings $USER, your current working directory is $PWD"

This picks up the values of the environment variables USER and PWD and displays something like:

Greetings prashantb1984, your current working directory is /home/prashantb1984  

The above message, of course, will vary from system to system, depending on the setting of environment variables.

Accepting Inputs can be accomplished using the read statement.

read number

echo "The number you have entered is $number"  

If the user provides an input 4, the output is:

The number you have entered is 4  

Consider this snippet:

read name

echo "The name you have entered is $name"  

If the user provides an input Max, the output is:

The name you have entered is Max 

In this problem Write a Bash script that accepts a name as input and displays the greeting "Welcome (name)".

HackerRank A Personalized Echo problem solution

Problem solution.

read name
echo "Welcome $name"

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