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HackerEarth Stack operations problem solution

In this HackerEarth Stack operations problem solution You are given a stack of N integers. In one operation, you can either pop an element from the stack or push any popped element into the stack. You need to maximize the top element of the stack after performing exactly K operations. If the stack becomes empty after performing K operations and there is no other way for the stack to be non-empty, print -1.

HackerEarth Stack operations problem solution

HackerEarth Stack operations problem solution.

import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.FilterInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;

public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Thread(null, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new Main().solve();
}, "1", 1 << 26).start();

void solve() {
InputStream inputStream = System.in;
OutputStream outputStream = System.out;
ScanReader in = new ScanReader(inputStream);
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(outputStream);
StaKth solver = new StaKth();
solver.solve(1, in, out);

static class StaKth {
public void solve(int testNumber, ScanReader in, PrintWriter out) {
int n = in.scanInt();
int k = in.scanInt();
long[] ar = new long[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) ar[i] = in.scanLong();
long max = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < n && i < k + 1; i++) if (i != k - 1) max = Math.max(max, ar[i]);
if (n == 1 && k == 1) out.println(-1);
else out.println(max);



static class ScanReader {
private byte[] buf = new byte[4 * 1024];
private int index;
private BufferedInputStream in;
private int total;

public ScanReader(InputStream inputStream) {
in = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream);

private int scan() {
if (index >= total) {
index = 0;
try {
total = in.read(buf);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (total <= 0) return -1;
return buf[index++];

public int scanInt() {
int integer = 0;
int n = scan();
while (isWhiteSpace(n)) n = scan();
int neg = 1;
if (n == '-') {
neg = -1;
n = scan();
while (!isWhiteSpace(n)) {
if (n >= '0' && n <= '9') {
integer *= 10;
integer += n - '0';
n = scan();
return neg * integer;

private boolean isWhiteSpace(int n) {
if (n == ' ' || n == '\n' || n == '\r' || n == '\t' || n == -1) return true;
else return false;

public long scanLong() {
long integer = 0;
int n = scan();
while (isWhiteSpace(n)) n = scan();
int neg = 1;
if (n == '-') {
neg = -1;
n = scan();
while (!isWhiteSpace(n)) {
if (n >= '0' && n <= '9') {
integer *= 10;
integer += n - '0';
n = scan();
return neg * integer;


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