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HackerRank Standardize mobile number using decorators solution in python

In this Standardize mobile number using decorators problem, You are given mobile numbers. Sort them in ascending order then print them in the standard format +91 XXXX XXXX.

HackerRank Standardize mobile number using decorators solution in python

Problem solution in Python 2 programming.

def mobile(func):
    def inner(s):
        return sorted([func(i) for i in s])
    return inner
def f(num):
    return "+91" + " " + num[-10:-5] + " " + num[-5:]
n = int(raw_input())
s = [raw_input() for _ in xrange(n)]
print "\n".join(f(s))

Problem solution in Python 3 programming.

def wrapper(f):
    def fun(l):
        f(["+91 "+c[-10:-5]+" "+c[-5:] for c in l])
    return fun

Problem solution in pypy programming.

def wrapper(f):
    def fun(l):
        # complete the function
        f("+91 "+c[-10:-5]+" "+c[-5:] for c in l)
    return fun

Problem solution in pypy3 programming.

# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT
ll = [input() for _ in range(int(input()))]

def wrapper(fun):
    def phone(ll):
        fun(["+91 "+cn[-10:-5]+" "+cn[-5:] for cn in ll])
    return phone

def sphone(ll):
    print(*sorted(ll), sep='\n')


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