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HackerRank Day 4: Classes 10 days of javascript solution

In this Day 4: Classes 10 days of javascript problem you need to Create a Polygon class that has A constructor that takes an array of integer values describing the lengths of the polygon's sides. A perimeter() method that returns the polygon's perimeter.

HackerRank Day 4: Classes 10 days of javascript solution

HackerRank Day 4: Classes 10 days of javascript problem solution.

 * Implement a Polygon class with the following properties:
 * 1. A constructor that takes an array of integer side lengths.
 * 2. A 'perimeter' method that returns the sum of the Polygon's side lengths.
class Polygon{
        this.sides = sides
    perimeter() {
        return this.sides.reduce(function add(a,b){return a+b;})

const rectangle = new Polygon([10, 20, 10, 20]);
const square = new Polygon([10, 10, 10, 10]);
const pentagon = new Polygon([10, 20, 30, 40, 43]);


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